Microsoft SDP Collects Registry Information in Windows 10

Office sign-in and authentication diagnostic are done by the Support Diagnostic Platform (SDP), which is designed to collect registry information from your computer and also the diagnostics file, which are generated by Microsoft Office programs, which helps Microsoft to bring new updates to Office products and minimizing support issues. This tool is identified as SDP 3, ce81ee59-68e4-443e-829d-58fa4b7d5d40.

This diagnostic is available since Windows 7 and is now available for every current edition like Windows 8, 8.1, and 10.

Microsoft SDP Collects Registry Information in Windows 10

What information does Support Diagnostic Platform Collect?

All collected information can be accessed easily by a user just by a filename search. This tool creates a series of files, and file names include your computer name in it. Hence, all file names are prefaced by the name of the computer on this the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool is run. Following is a table, which depicts the description of information collected by the tool:

Information Tools Collect Filename (Computername) refers to your Computer Name.
Credentials cache {Computername}_credcache.txt
Compressed and encrypted Fiddler Trace .saz file {Computername}
Export of the following registry key in .reg and .txt format {Computername}_officecommonidentity.reg
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\{Office version}.0\Common\Identity {Computername}_officecommonidentity.txt
Compressed Office identity logging output (.etl) file {Computername}

Please note, this article carries only a piece of information. And this tool is no way hurting your privacy, unlike Windows 10, which is usually killing your privacy.



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