While printing a document or anything, I keep getting error code i.e. 49.4C02
, with a statement to continue, turn off, then on
. I have done this a half dozen times and keep getting the same response, around in a circle. Even unplugged, no change. New toner cart, was getting a low message, no change. How do I fix this?
Error code 49.4C02
in the HP printer is not a common error one may usually get to see. A print job most likely causes it, so the first thing you need to do is to delete any jobs in your print queue.
One way to determine if its a job is to power off the printer
disconnect whatever cable you have it connected to the outside world by and then power it back on and see if you still get the message.
If the printer goes to a ready state with the cable disconnected, then print any internal test page. If it works, it’s probably a job.
Also, it’s better if you give your printer a firmware upgrade
. This solves 50% of the problems. The other 50% are caused by printing website pages, network jobs, etc.

So, it’s displaying the error without the network cable plugged in? That is one of only a couple things: The onboard LAN connection is blown out. The memory module (if it has one) is blown. Or, the entire formatter is bad.
You can try turning it off and doing an NVRAM Reset (just Google it) and see if that helps. If the unit was accidentally tangled up with programming, that would fix it.
Then, do the same steps as a “cold reset,” except hit Disable Onboard LAN. See what that does. If it has an extra memory chip, remove it and reboot it.
If you get this error no matter what you do, you may have a blown-out formatter. Get one on eBay for about $100 if you think you can install it. If you can’t do the work or find the formatter, a tech company will probably charge you $100 for a diagnostic, $150 for the formatted, and additional for follow-up visits and anything else they find wrong.
If you replace the formatter yourself, the very first time you turn it on, do a cold reset. That is about the most significant thing people miss.
The 3015 is pretty much a 3005 with some features fixed, but it still doesn’t cut it for medium or high usage.
After you get done messing with the 3015, you may end up spending close to the cost of the new 402 (it’s only around $200). Add on a follow-up visit or two from a tech company, and you could spend as much as the 506.

That worked, thanks a lot!
Hi, well do the following it will help you out.
Delete any jobs in the print queue.
Print a test page.
Disable Advanced Printing Features.
Check whether you’re using the Franklin Gothic Book font.
Flash and update the firmware.
Contact your printer’s manufacturer.
How does one do that while the printer is displaying the 49.4c02 error code?
Power on/off disconnected from the network comes up with the same message. As well I was able to get the printer into a ready state before (can’t anymore) by starting it with the toner cartridge removed.
After applying the update the error code 49.4c02 returned with an auto-restart message in place of the turn-off/turn-on message. Then reverted back to the turn-off/turn-on. So if it is not firmware or a rogue print job, what else could it be?